Monday, August 30, 2010

Cake php

i got some code of cake php which i need to deploy in  my server. it uses mvc(model, view,control) architecture..

an example to do this is as follows..


Thursday, August 26, 2010

setting path for condor

nano ~/.bash_profile

if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
export MAVEN_HOME=/home/swarm/apache-maven-2.2.1
export PATH=/home/swarm/apache-maven-2.2.1/bin:$PATH:~/condor/bin:~/condor/sbin
export CATALINA_HOME=/home/swarm/ogce-axis-services/portal_deploy/apache-tomcat$
export CONDOR_CONFIG=/home/swarm/condor/etc/condor_config

setting java path

goto nano ~/.bashrc file

export JAVA_HOME
export PATH
export PATH
export PATH

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

hmmmmm.... unfortunately i found so many java files installed in my server again and again.......

it is like total server was filled with java files...

i worked the whole night to remove all this files... than i installed a new version of java. which worked finely but still its creating some errors with other applications...

Monday, August 23, 2010

The swarm code can be downloaded from the svn repo using

 svn checkout

The build instructions are at
The userguide listed on the Swarm wiki page has configuration information, but I may need to tweak this for your specific install and will get to this on wednesday.

after installing swarm we need to follow the following steps...

You can start with :

1. Placing the cake-php scripts under your document root and changing the document root in apache to the "webroot" directory of cake-php.

2. Set up the database from the dump file I provided.

3. Test if you are able to insert data into the database from the front end. You will have to tweek the cake PHP configuration script for the database.

4. Then come to the Swarm part. Configure Hibernate so that it can access the database.

5. As I had mentioned in the README, issue mvn install and see if it works. Understand the flow and then set up a cronjob.

after a 4 hours hardwork i got my way back in installing apache tomcat

an admin package should be installed which has not been installed by default


Thursday, August 19, 2010

learnt using vi editor

finding hard to install java with all of its apps....
unable to find jdk in my server....... its really makin me to think....

learning about vi editor....
  • Moving around with cursor:
    h key = LEFT, l key = RIGHT, k key = UP, j key = DOWN
  • Exiting vim editor without saving:
    press ESC to get into command mode, enter :q! to exit.
  • Deleting characters in vim command mode:
    delete with x key
  • Inserting / appending text:
    Press i or a in command mode and type
  • Saving changes and exit:
    in command mode :wq or SHIFT+zz 

  • Deleting words:
    delete word with d operator and w or e motion
  • Deleting to the end of the line:
    delete to the end of the line with d operator and $ motion
  • Using operators, motions and counts:
    beginning of the line 0, end of the line $, end of the 2nd word 2e beginning of the 4th word 4w
  • Deleting multiple words:
    to delete 3 words you would use d3w
  • Deleting lines:
    to delete single line dd, delete n lines ndd
  • Undo changes:
    undo changes with u

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

installed condor 6.8 succesfully

trying hard to install swarm..
i got so many errors.. but every error is becoming challenging and learning a new thing with every error i am encountering

it was very hard at first to work on linux ubuntu.. but now i am feeling comfortable.

all i can say today is .. Research is something we need to enjoy and if something goes wrong we get something new to learn.

but presently i am enjoying the fruits of failure..

if something goes wrong i am just using google.......

Monday, August 16, 2010

got a new zone to install swarm..
but i dint found condor 6.8 which was older version and no more available.

Friday, August 13, 2010

I tried installing the newer version of condor... it was 7.2

now i need to install the condor 6.8 version to remove the dependency problem
for installing condor i had to install so many other sub packages...
these include..


but still its asking me for some another error......hmmm

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

---I had started my actual work today..
   finished with the requirement specification part...

--- installing the condor on the local system as a test process.